May 2023 Update
  • 20 Jun 2023
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May 2023 Update

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Article Summary

We are excited to announce our May 2023 NetLease Update. The following features are active as of 5/26/2023:

NetLease CoPilot (Powered by ChatGPT)

Located in the resource center in the bottom right corner of NetLease, this chatbot will reference our knowledge base when asked questions. For example: "How do I modify a lease?" will return step by step instructions on how to perform a modification within NetLease. 

Fiscal Year Reporting

Our lease maturity disclosure report will now automate for non-calendar year end companies.

Authenticator Reset

A system admin can now reset the authenticator for other users.

Lease Location

The lease record now has an option to add location information for real estate leases. 

CPA Firm Access

A client can change their firm's access level in their account.

GASB Lease Maturity Waterfall Report

When a company is reporting under GASB 87, the lease maturity report will be presented under the required GASB structure without manual intervention. 

Interest Reclass Report

This report has been added to manage GASB interest balances. This report is a summary of the interest portion included within the lease liability. Netgain recommends that GASB entities post a reversing entry to reclass the interest portion of a lease for reporting purposes.

Client Managed Status

Firms will see a column called "Client Managed" on their firm client list, showing which clients have access to their own lease portfolio in NetLease.

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